Digital Literacy During a Pandemic: Learning from MI Teacher in Kudus Teaching During The Covid-19 Pandemic

Ashif Az Zafi


The  development of technology in the 21st century has changed the direction of education and learning practices, therefore, educators need to respond to these technological developments by upgrading both hard skills and soft skills. Educators are required to have various kinds of skills including having digital literacy skills, of course this ability is important for 21st century educators, and faced with the current pandemic conditions, digital literacy skills are certainly a solution and innovation for educators in carrying out lessons, given the limitations of face to face. in learning. With digital literacy skills, educators are able to formulate learning in this pandemic era to keep it running as it should. The research method used by researchers is descriptive qualitative research with the type of research (field research) which studies intensively about the background of the current situation, and social interactions, individuals, groups, institutions and society. An important idea of this type of research is that the researcher goes to the field to make direct observations about a phenomenon that occurs. The object of this research study is the digital literacy ability of MI Teachers during the pandemic in Kudus Regency. The population of this study were MI teachers in Kudus Regency with a sample using a random sampling technique. The sample consisted of nine 9 MI in Kecamatan Kudus Regency with 27 teachers. The results showed that most of the teachers did not have digital literacy skills. Digital literacy competencies are based on high category internet searching aspects, medium category hypertextual navigation aspects, medium category knowledge assembly aspects and low category knowledge assembly aspects. This states that digital literacy is supported by the social competence of teachers in KKG activities. Therefore, the Teacher Working Group (KKG) can support the development of teachers' social competence in the field of digital literacy.


Digital Literacy, during Pandemic

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