DESAIN KURIKUM BERBASIS PONDOK PESANTREN (Studi Kasus di Pondok Pesantren Al Muhammad Cepu)

salam Salam


Along with the development of  current education system, it is necessary to change the learning system in several institutions. One of the institutions that need these changes is the Islamic boarding school institution, where the institution needs to design the latest curriculum. Namely, Al Muhammad Cepu Islamic Boarding School-Based Curriculum Design Planning is carried out through workshops guided by the national curriculum, development of local excellence, and book study which is manifested in the structure and content of the national curriculum and Islamic religious lessons in the form of interpretation, hadith, fiqh, moral creed, the history of Islamic culture, which is taught using the Arabic language of instruction with the yellow book.

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An-Nuur publised by Institut Agama Islam Al Muhammad Cepu

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